Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chap. 6 journal

Anna K.
Chapter journals
Theme: Innocence and naivety; Holden asks Stradlater if Jane keeps her kings in the back row meaning has she kept her innocence, Stradlater wont tell Holden though which causes them to quarrel. Small things still seem to bug Holden and he is very visual about what he is seeing.
Characters: Holden and Stradlater
Images/symbol: Kings in the Back row: which is a symbol of a girl’s innocence.
Allusion: Holden and Stradlater always are using the term goddam which was used much more in the 50’s which is the time peiosd this book is taking place rather than modern day.
Summary: Stradlater gets back from his date with Jane a little bit late then he said he was going to. This bugs Holden because he seems to have a little thing for Jane and he doesn’t like the way Stradlater was supposedly treating her so the two boys get in a fight. Holden just bad mouths Stradlater the whole time while Stradlater beats Holden up. Finally Stradlater gives Holden a good punch, which ends the fight, but Holden still sends a few comments Stradlaters way to make him angry.

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