Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Journals 6-10

Theme: Innocence and naivety; Holden asks Stradlater if Jane keeps her kings in the back row meaning has she kept her innocence, Stradlater wont tell Holden though which causes them to quarrel. Small things still seem to bug Holden and he is very visual about what he is seeing.
Characters: Holden and Stradlater
Images/symbol: Kings in the Back row: which is a symbol of a girl’s innocence.
Allusion: Holden and Stradlater always are using the term god dam, which was used much more in the 50’s, which is the time period this book is taking place rather than modern day.
Summary: Stradlater gets back from his date with Jane a little bit late then he said he was going to. This bugs Holden because he seems to have a little thing for Jane and he doesn’t like the way Stradlater was supposedly treating her so the two boys get in a fight. Holden just bad mouths Stradlater the whole time while Stradlater beats Holden up. Finally Stradlater gives Holden a good punch, which ends the fight, but Holden still sends a few comments Stradlaters way to make him angry.
Theme: Rebellion; Holden breaks free from Pencey for good even though he isn’t supposed to leave for another 4 days.
Characters: Holden, Ackley
Images/symbol/Irony: Its ironic that Holden is the one barging into Ackley’s room bugging him because Ackley usually the one going into Holden’s room messing with all his stuff and it really bugs Holden.
Allusion: The typewriter is an allusion to the time period they are in.
Summary: After Holden’s fight with Stradlater he goes to Ackley’s room and talks to Ackley for a while and tries to fall asleep but can’t, because he can’t stop thinking about Stradlater and Jane fooling around. Holden continues to bug Ackley even though he is trying to sleep because he has church in the morning. Holden gets annoyed with Ackley and leaves. Then he decides he is going to leave to New York that night rather than Wednesday. As he leaves he Yells “Sleep tight, ya Morons!” to everyone on his floor and leaves Pencey.
Theme: Sexual Confusion, because Holden is attracted to this older woman and
Characters: Holden, Mrs. Marrow
Images/Symbols/Ironies: It’s ironic that Holden is telling Mrs. Marrow is really popular when he really he isn’t very popular at all and Holden really actually hates Her son.
Summary: Holden walks all the way to the train station and gets on a train to New York. An attractive older woman gets on the train in Trenton who happens to be the mother of one of Holden’s old classmates from Pencey. Holden starts telling these ridiculous stories about how Her son is the most popular boy in school, which isn’t actually true because Holden really dislikes her son. Holden tells this woman his name is Rudolph Schmitt who is actually the schools janitor. Holden Tell this woman he is going into New York early because he has a brain tumor.
Theme: Sexual confusion, Innocence; Holden is attracted to older woman so when he sees the woman across the courtyard of the hotel and sees that she is pretty he gets aroused and an older woman he has heard is easy.
Characters: Holden, Faith, Leslie.
Images/Symbols/Ironies: It’s ironic that Holden got in that fight with Stradlater over Jane and her innocence when all he is wanting at this point is sex.
Allusion: Using a payphone; there are no cell phones in this time.
Summary: When Holden gets to Penn station he wants to call someone but he can’t think of anyone to call. He think about calling his sister but she is too young, his brother but he lives all the way in Cali, and then he think about calling a few girls but he decided not to. So he ends up taking a cab to Edmont hotel. While he was in the cab h asked the driver if he knew what happened to the ducks that are in the central park lagoon during the summer in the winter. The driver doesn’t care enough to keep up a conversation. When Holden gets to the hotel he looks out his window to other rooms of the hotel and see crazy things going on. He sees a woman dressed as a man, and a couple spitting water in each other’s faces. When Holden sees the woman’s face he becomes aroused so he calls this girl that he heard was pretty easy from a guy at a Princeton party and try’s to persuade her to go get drinks but she thinks it is to late and try’s to reschedule but Holden wanted to be with her that night so he wouldn’t settle for the next day.
Chap. 10
Theme: Sexual Confusion; Holden is hitting on a table of much older woman who know that he is much younger. He is trying to get with the prettiest blonde one.
Characters:Old Marty, Holden
Allusion: Fox Trot, a dance which refers to around the 50s
Summary: After watching people through the window Holden decides to go down to the Lavender Room, which is the club in the Edmont Hotel. While he is there he tries to order liquor but the bartender won’t let him get it without showing an ID so he ended up just getting a coke. While he is at the bar he sees this table of three around 30 year old women. He thought two of the women were ugly but there was a blonde one that caught his eye so he went to the table and asked her to dance they danced around for a while she was dancing she kept looking for movie stars. Then he went to go sit with the woman and tried to keep up a conversation with them. Then the woman left and he payed for there drinks and left.

Friday, November 20, 2009

words of the day 12/20/2009

Pedgogical(adj)- Feildings pedagogical approach to running made rori run off a cliff and fielding was arrested for not being smart.

Stenographer(n)- Feilding the stenographer wrote down everything Anna said because she was so smart and so wise and was the best lawyer in all the land of amazing town. Which wasn't Fieldings home town.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Words of they day 11/19/09

Convent(n)-The convent of cat lovers met in dannys basement while he baked them cookies shaped like cats upstairs because he was sucking up to them so he could join.

Blase(adj)-My blase reaction to Ians insults towards me freaked him out because he was now discovering that i am much more intelligent and a much better person than he is.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Words of the day 11/18/09

Nonchalant(adj)- Roris nonchalant reaction to everyones death mad me think that she was the one who killed them.

Bourgeois(n or adj)- Danny bourgeois personality was shown when he came to school in completely casual attire.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chap. 6 journal

Anna K.
Chapter journals
Theme: Innocence and naivety; Holden asks Stradlater if Jane keeps her kings in the back row meaning has she kept her innocence, Stradlater wont tell Holden though which causes them to quarrel. Small things still seem to bug Holden and he is very visual about what he is seeing.
Characters: Holden and Stradlater
Images/symbol: Kings in the Back row: which is a symbol of a girl’s innocence.
Allusion: Holden and Stradlater always are using the term goddam which was used much more in the 50’s which is the time peiosd this book is taking place rather than modern day.
Summary: Stradlater gets back from his date with Jane a little bit late then he said he was going to. This bugs Holden because he seems to have a little thing for Jane and he doesn’t like the way Stradlater was supposedly treating her so the two boys get in a fight. Holden just bad mouths Stradlater the whole time while Stradlater beats Holden up. Finally Stradlater gives Holden a good punch, which ends the fight, but Holden still sends a few comments Stradlaters way to make him angry.

Words of the Day 11/17/09

Halitosis (n)- Danny and Ians halitosis was beginning to be so bad that they had to wear a glass bubble and they couldn't eat or drink or even speak until they figured out how to fix there terrible breathe.

Incognito(n)- While in was in new york incognito i would fight crime by night and hide and scare people by day.

Words and definitions 11/17/09

Ostracize(vb)-Exclude from a society or group.
Grippe(noun)-Old Fashioned term for influenza.
Halitosis(noun)-Technical term for bad breath.
Incognito(adj)-Having one's true identity concealed.
Nonchalant(adj)-Feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety enthusiasm or interest.
Bourgeois(adj)- Of our characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to it's perceived materialistic values of conventional attitudes.
Convent(noun)-A christian community under monastic vows.
Blase(adj)-Unimpressed or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before.
Boisterous(adj)-Noisy energetic and cheerful; rowdy.
Pedagogical(adj)-Of or related to teaching.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ostracize(verb)- The young girls actions were so horrific she was ostracized from her friends and family.
Grippe(noun)- The consequences of Ian not bathing for three weeks caused him to get the grippe.