Thursday, January 28, 2010

Words of the Day

Thralls(n)- Jayce was an in thrall to all Anna's skills.

Malevolence(n)- Anna's malevolence towards Jayce showed by her beating the crap out of her.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Words of the day

Eminence(n)-Anna's acting was an eminence of the play/

Avouch(vb)- Anna Avouched that jayce was wrong about everything she has ever said.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

words of the day!

Cloistered(adj)- My friend Jayce had a very cloistered childhood, which is why i only got to see her about twice a year.

Equivocater(n)- As jayce spoke to the equivocator she realized that he was not telling the truth!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Words of the day 1/22/10

Avarice(n)- Jayces avarice was not satisfied when she got caught stealing money from the cash register at her work.
Avaunt(v)-Jayce would not leave when i told her Avaunt Immediately! So i threw an ice ball at her.
Posterity(n)-With the way things are going now the world be nothing for posterity.
Homage(n)- I will show no homage to Jayce because i am much better than her.

Sam Worthington Macbeth

The Sam Worthington Macbeth reflects the Shakespearean Macbeth in a different way then most would reflect it. For example the witches, most would probably make them ugly with characteristics like wort's and wrinkles, but the witches in this version of Macbeth are beautiful and young and Macbeth is extremely attracted to them. Lady Macbeth in the Sam Worthington version is extremely beautiful and determined but there is something that happened in her past that makes her extremely emotional. In the book when first reading most people think she has no feelings but in the movie half the time of the first and second act she is depressed about something that has to do with a child, possibly her "beloved son". This shows that Lady Macbeth actually has feelings and whatever happened to this child really affected her. The movie takes a modern look on Macbeth showing how the problems would occur and how the characters would act and look in modern years. Just like in the modern version of Romeo and Juliet, the Sam Worthington version of Macbeth uses guns rather than swords the houses are mansion rather than real castles. The characters are also facing modern problems such as Lady Macbeth seems to have a drug addiction, and all of them seem to enjoy partying and getting drunk. In my opinion the reflection of the movie Macbeth to the Shakespearean Macbeth is a little bit darker. Yes the story is pretty dark but the movie seems darker. Each of the main characters has this tragic twist to them which causes a little more conflict.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vocab 1/20/10

Parricide(n)- My sister was a parricide because she was jealous that my dad liked me better then her.
Verity(n)- Jayces speech, which was delivered in front of thousands of people was a verity of animal control.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Words of the day

Mirth(n)- Anna had no mirth when she almost flunked out of school.

Liege(n)- Fieldings liege frightened his students into a corner where they cried!