Monday, May 10, 2010

Books 13-16

Book 13-16


Book 13- This book is about when the Phaecians first sail Odysseus to Ithaca from Scheria. Odysseus Slept through the whole boat ride even when they docked so the Pheacians carried him to shore with his gifts and then left back to home. Poseidon was very angry that the people whom worship him were helping his “enemy”, so he turned their boat to stone and it sunk when they were just arriving home. So the Pheacians decided to stop helping wayward travelers. When Odysseus is first home he is mad at the Pheacians because he does not think he is in Ithaca because Athena disguised at first, but then Athena disguises herself and tells him it’s Ithaca and then she eventually shows him her true identity. She tells him that his son has gone looking for him and she thinks Odysseus should hide out and plan to punish the suitors and she makes him look like and old Vagabond so nobody will recognize him.

Book 14: Odysseus goes and finds Eumaeus who does not recognize him but invites him in anyway, they eat dinner and Eumaeus starts talking about his former master (Odysseus) and how he fears he is dead and about the new guys in the house who are evil. Odysseus tells Eumaeus that he will see Odysseus again soon. Eumaeus lets this old man that he doesn’t know is actually Odysseus stay at his house. He asks Odysseus about his roots and Odysseus lies and says he is from Crete but said he fought with “Odysseus”. And says he actually got home safely but then took a trip to Egypt that went wrong which is why he showed up there. On his trip he claimed that he saw Odysseus and he was still alive.

Book 15: This book is about when Athena went to Sparta where she found Telemachos and Pisistratus, nestors son sleeping at Menelaus’s castle. So Athena sneaks into Telemachos dream and tells Telemachos to go home because the suitors are planning something evil and they might soon win over his mother. But she tells him to go to Eumaeus’s home first so he will give the message of Telemachos safe return to Penelope. When Leaving Menelaus’s palace Odysseus sees an eagle swoop down carrying a goose stolen from a pen beside him. Helen tells him that it means his father will return and have revenge against the suitors. When they get to Pylos Telemachos has Pisistratus drop him off at his ship but before he leaves a famous prophet Theoclymenus asked to join because he is banned from Argos for killing someone. Telemachos allows him to come and when they get to Ithaca he offers him plenty of hospitality. Then Telemachos gets to Ithaca.

Book 16: Telemachos reaches Eumaeus’s hut where he sees the swine herder has taken in a beggar (Odysseus). They decide that the beggar should stay at the castle with Telemachos. Then Eumaeus goes alone to the palace to tell Penelope that Telemachus has returned. When Odysseus and Telemachos are alone Athena turns Odysseus back to his normal form and the two hug and weep. Odysseus tells him all about his journeys. And then he tells him about his plan to sneak attack the suitors. Odysseus plans to will go to the palace disguised as the beggar and Telemachos will hide he weapons and then the two will kill the suitors. The suitors re-scheme to kill Telemachos.
Themes: Each books connects to the theme loyalty. The majority of the loyalty is between Telemachos and Odysseus, father and son. Telemachos has never even met his father before but he still will do anything to find him. And once they do meet they work together to create a plan to kill the suitors that to me is a great example of loyalty. And the loyalty between Odysseus and the other people he left behind like Emaios and Argos.
Major Characters:

Emaios: A loyal Shepherd, worked for Odysseus. Was actually extremely wealthy. Takes In Odysseus even though doesn’t know it’s actually him because he is disguised as an old beggar.

Theoclymenos: Famous prophet who was banned from his town for killing someone and he asks Telemachos if he can go on his ship and Telemachos allows it.

Amphinomos: The only good man of all of the suitors. Sometimes defends Odysseus and Telemachos.


Food and banqueting/hospitality: In this book the people who are the most hospitable are usually the better people. Which explains the suitors. They were extremely rude to the beggar and were first of all intruding on someone’s home, which showed how they were not good people.

Argos: Argos is Odysseus’s old dog and he symbolizes loyalty. Even though he was still young when Odysseus left he still alive after 20 years waiting for his master to return and once he does he dies happily.

Birds: Birds symbolize messages from the gods. When Telemachos is leaving Menelaos’s palace he sees the eagle, which Helen says, means his father will return home and reclaim his castle.
Favorite Passages:

Book 13: “Father Zeus, I shall never have any respect in our world, now mortal men pay me none! I mean the Phaicacians who actually belong to my own family. Here’s an example. I thought Odysseus was to reach home in all sorts of misery and tribulation: I did not bar his return altogether, because you had solemnly promised him that he should return. And now here are these people, bringing him over the sea in a fast cruiser, planting him down in Ithaca, giving him any amount of presents, bronze and gold in plenty and woven stuffs, more than he could have collected from the spoils of Troy if he had come home with his share intact!”

Book 14: “As for him, his soul has left him by this time, dogs and carrion birds will have torn skin from bone, or he has been food for fishes in the sea, and his bones lie on the shore buried in sand. So we have lost him over there, and he has been left trouble for his friends, most of all for me; I shall never find so kind a master, wherever I go, not even if I go back to my father and mother, the house where I was born and brought up. Indeed I do not mourn so much for them as for him, though I long to see ‘em again and my native land, but I do miss Odysseus since he went away. I don’t like to speak his name, man, although he is absent, but I call him ‘his honor’ even when he is far away.”

Book 15: “You know what a woman’s mind is like; she wishes to enrich the man who marries her, but as for the other husband and his children, once he is dead she forgets them all and never asks about them. The best thing you can do is go back, and put everything in the hands of one women, whichever you think the best, until the gods provide you a good capable wife.”

Book 16: “Oh no, you are not Odysseus my father, but some being more than man come to bewitch me and to make my grief greater than it was.”

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Odyssey Books 1-4

1. Books 1-4

Books 1-4 have a lot to do with Loyalty. Loyalty between a father and a son, a husband and a wife, a king to his country, and loyalty to the gods. The major loyalty in these 4 books is between Telemachos and his father Odysseus, Telemachos has never really knew his father because h left when he was young but he still wants to find out if he is alive and wants him to come. Another example of loyalty is the loyalty between the soldiers and the gods, those who were loyal to the gods after the War returned home safely and those who weren’t either were killed or had a long treacherous journey home.

2. Breakup the Action of Each Book

Book 1: A mob of suitors have taken over Odysseus house since he has not returned home from the Trojan War because he is at that point on an island with Calypso, who is in love with him and won’t let him leave. Telemachos Odysseus’s son does not like all the men at his house.

Book 2: The Assembly meets. Telemachos tells the assembly about his father’s absence and how the suitors have take over his home. Penelope refuses to remarry, and this upsets one of the head of the suitors Antonius. Telemachos prepares for his trip to Pylos and Sparta and Athena visits disguised as a mentor. She tells his journey will be good.

Book 3: Telemachos is at Pylos with mentor. The mentor gives Telemachos the confidence he needs to talk to Nestor. Nestor doesn’t actually have any information about Odysseus; he just remembers what happen after the fall of Troy and what happened to Menelaus, and Agamemnon. Athena then reveals she is a god when trying to protect Telemachos ship.

Book 4: Telemachos and the mentor (Athena) are now in Sparta talking to Menelaus and Helen about Odysseus, as the dined they talked about Odysseus’s heroic and smart trick at Troy. Menelaus recounts his own journey home. Meanwhile back in Ithica plan to kill Telemachos.

3. Major Characters
Odysseus: Odysseus is a heroic man who fought in the Trojan War on the Greek side. After the war he journeys for 10 years trying to get home to Ithaca. Poseidon, who makes his journey home so long and difficult, dislikes him. He is the husband of Penelope and the father of Telemachus.

Telemachos: Odysseus’s son; was an infant when his father left. Is tired of all the men corrupting his home, who are trying to marry his mother. In book 1 he meets a mentor (Athena). And together they try and find out where Odysseus is or if he is even alive.

Agamemnon: The former King of Mycenae, brother of Menelaus, the leader of the Achaean forces at Troy. His wife and her lover murdered him when he returned from the War and his son murdered them.

Helen: Wife of Menelaus, queen of Sparta, her “abduction” from Sparta is what started the Trojan War. Also helps Telemachos find his father. Extremely beautiful.

Menelaus: King of Sparta, brother of Agamemnon, Helped the Greeks in the Trojan War, married to Helen, Helps Telemachus when he was looking for his father.

Nestor: King of Pylos, a former warrior in the Trojan War, is visited by Telemachos who is trying to find his father, doesn’t know much about where he is.

Mentor: The mentor is actually Athena, daughter of Zeus’s and goddess of wisdom, and war. She is an old friend of Odysseus’s and disguises herself as a mentor to help Telemachos find out the truth about his father and possibly his where abouts.

Penelope: She is married to Odysseus; she is very loyal to her husband. She won’t re-marry until she knows for sure that he husband is dead even though there are hundreds of men in her castle begging her for marriage.

Antinoos: One of the Leaders of the suitors. Leads the plan to kill and Telemachos. Not a good person.

Eurymachos: An evil, sneaky, manipulative suitor. His approach causes him to have a bad influence on the rest of the suitors.

4. Agamemnon + Birds and Symbols
Agamemnon is a motif that represents the theme of loyalty between he and his wife. Because his wife killed him after his journey home with her lover and in return his son murdered her. Birds are a symbolizes directly to the gods or the omens of the gods.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Words of the Day

Thralls(n)- Jayce was an in thrall to all Anna's skills.

Malevolence(n)- Anna's malevolence towards Jayce showed by her beating the crap out of her.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Words of the day

Eminence(n)-Anna's acting was an eminence of the play/

Avouch(vb)- Anna Avouched that jayce was wrong about everything she has ever said.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

words of the day!

Cloistered(adj)- My friend Jayce had a very cloistered childhood, which is why i only got to see her about twice a year.

Equivocater(n)- As jayce spoke to the equivocator she realized that he was not telling the truth!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Words of the day 1/22/10

Avarice(n)- Jayces avarice was not satisfied when she got caught stealing money from the cash register at her work.
Avaunt(v)-Jayce would not leave when i told her Avaunt Immediately! So i threw an ice ball at her.
Posterity(n)-With the way things are going now the world be nothing for posterity.
Homage(n)- I will show no homage to Jayce because i am much better than her.

Sam Worthington Macbeth

The Sam Worthington Macbeth reflects the Shakespearean Macbeth in a different way then most would reflect it. For example the witches, most would probably make them ugly with characteristics like wort's and wrinkles, but the witches in this version of Macbeth are beautiful and young and Macbeth is extremely attracted to them. Lady Macbeth in the Sam Worthington version is extremely beautiful and determined but there is something that happened in her past that makes her extremely emotional. In the book when first reading most people think she has no feelings but in the movie half the time of the first and second act she is depressed about something that has to do with a child, possibly her "beloved son". This shows that Lady Macbeth actually has feelings and whatever happened to this child really affected her. The movie takes a modern look on Macbeth showing how the problems would occur and how the characters would act and look in modern years. Just like in the modern version of Romeo and Juliet, the Sam Worthington version of Macbeth uses guns rather than swords the houses are mansion rather than real castles. The characters are also facing modern problems such as Lady Macbeth seems to have a drug addiction, and all of them seem to enjoy partying and getting drunk. In my opinion the reflection of the movie Macbeth to the Shakespearean Macbeth is a little bit darker. Yes the story is pretty dark but the movie seems darker. Each of the main characters has this tragic twist to them which causes a little more conflict.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vocab 1/20/10

Parricide(n)- My sister was a parricide because she was jealous that my dad liked me better then her.
Verity(n)- Jayces speech, which was delivered in front of thousands of people was a verity of animal control.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Words of the day

Mirth(n)- Anna had no mirth when she almost flunked out of school.

Liege(n)- Fieldings liege frightened his students into a corner where they cried!