Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Physchopathic(adj)- My friends physchopathic sister tried to kill me in my sleep.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

words of the day 9/22/09

Tremulous(adj)-Charlie the tremulous puppy went to the bathroom all over my house because he was so scared of Jayces face.

Silhouette(n)- Ians silhouette resembled one of a giant bus.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Words of the day 9/21/09

Acrimonious(adj)-The acrimonious speech performed by Jayce made everyone a little uncomfortable. 

Ephemeral(adj)- The ephemeral basketball game was terrible and everyone cried at the end. 

The Monkeys Paw

The Monkeys Paw is supposed to be kind of a horror story and it is, but it is also a story about how people will do anything to change their lives. Like for instance when Herbert held the monkeys paw up and wished for 200 pounds, he probably wanted that money because he has never had it and it would make their lives better. Unfortunately the monkeys paw worked out the problem in a different way Herbert got killed. In my opinion the mood of this piece is greed, always wanting what you can't without thinking of the consequences. The man who gave them the monkeys paw tried to warn them that there would be some kind of consequences but they didn't listen all they wanted was the money and they weren't ready for what was going to happen next. Herbert's mother was definitely not ready for what was going to happen next to she tried to wish Hebert back without realizing that there was going to be consequences to her actions. So in my opinion people shouldn't keep wishing for something and thinking that it will be handed to you.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

words of the day 9/16/09

Irate(adj)- Jayce and her irate personality caused her to attack rori with a sledgehammer.
Verdant(adj)- The verdant fisherman suprisingly caught more fish then the extremely experienced fishermen.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The meaning of home

The meaning of home to me is where you feel most comfortable. In The Thrill of the Grass the main character feels most comfortable when he was watching a baseball game from first base which is like home to him. And with Henry his home was the home he started with his wife and he was so comfurtable there because he felt his wifes precense there. Home doesnt always mean where you live people have different places that they consider home. Home is where you can be yourself and for both Henry and the narrator have that in common they just have different ideas of where home is.
Recalcitrant(adj)- Danny's recalcitrant viewpoint made Mr. Fielding come at him with a sledge hammer and brutally beat with him until he said he would be better.

Sublime(adj)-The sublime poem was read beautifully by a gorgeous woman by the name of Anna Eileen Korsmo.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The meaning of freedom

In my opinion the pedestrian and Harrison Bergeron are very similar when it comes to the theme the meaning of freedom. Both of Harrisons and Leonard Mead have very different ideas on how to live there lives then the rest of the world. Harrison doesn't believe in this new way of freedom is wrong and it is completely healthy to have a little competition. And Leonard doesn't want to just sit around the house and watch movies all day. Harrison action was much more extreme than Leonard, because he trys to take over the entire government. Leonard doesn't really do anything about his punishment he just lets the robot car take him away. Freedom is a very confusing word because there are so many different ways you could explain it. Freedom to Harrison is taking off all the handicaps and making it so talented people don't have to be punished anymore, and Leonards way of freedom is jut being able to walk around and not be taken away for love nature. Both stories have different examples of freedom but they both show how the word freedom can affect so many people.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action- refers to policies that take race, ethnicity, or gender into consideration in an attempt to promote equal opportunity or increase ethnic or other forms of diversity.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Words of the day

Sedate- Jayce was jealous of Anna and he sedate personality.
Pummel- Anna pummeled Jayce for being rude and annoying.
Hindrance- In our plan to destroy Ian, Jayce became a hindrance so i killed her.
Chagrin- Jayces chagrin was that she wasn't as amazing as Anna.
Supplicate- Jayce supplicated Anna to give her the secrets of being amazing.
Vigilance- Anna's vigilance at the school amazed everyone.
Boding- The boding thought was that Jayces hair would puff out if she blow dried it.
Perspicacity- Dannys perspicacity at understanding how to eat showed as he gorged on a hamburger.
Luminous- The luminous building showed the true horror of Ian klupars face, because he usually spend his time in the dark.
Consternation- Jayces consternation at doing her homework made her run out of the classroom screaming.